

Friday, November 12, 2010


This can't be good.  We are flying to Kansas City this evening, and I'm not nervous about the flights.  Having flown all over the country for previous jobs, it's not the actual flying that scares me...it's the one year old. 

Prior to all of our other trips over the past two years, I have been almost frantic in my preparations and overwhelmed with a practical dread of the upcoming flights -- and other than a diaper explosion at 10 weeks and a short-lived crying fit  at 11 months, we've had no problems.

This time I've picked up a few new books/toys and packed some snacks, but I have no overwhelming sense of terror regarding the flights, and while I am not a superstitious person, I'm wondering if this is a bad sign...  Could I be over-confident and setting us (and our fellow passengers) up for a miserable evening?
Maybe I should pack some extra snacks...

(Alas, no pictures...I have unwillingly acquiesced to pint-sized demands and kept the camera at bay this week...all bets are off this weekend, though.  We have grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, polar bears, trains and parties ahead of us!)