

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life Lesson #12,787

Do not expect a three year old to answer the tough questions for you...

Buckling into the car after school...

Mommy: Charlie, Mommy has a question for you.
Charlie: Ok!
Mommy: Buddy, do you like school?  I mean...do you like being at school or being at home better -- or some of both?
Charlie: Well, I like everything about school.
Mommy: You do?
Charlie: Yeah.  I like everything about everywhere I go and ride on toys.

Sigh...so we wait...


How am I doing with my imminent joblessness you may be wondering?

I have no idea what I want to do!  Clearly, I didn't expect to be in a situation to make a decision, but even after four days I'm just a mess of different questions, theories, plans and hopes.

As I see it, I have four primary options (not that I can make any of them happen on my own...so maybe it's four possible outcomes)...
  1. Find another full-time telecommuting job
  2. Find a full-time job in the Summerville/Charleston area
  3. Find a part-time job from home and keep Charlie home
  4. Forget about a "job" for the time being and spend the next couple years focussed on Charlie
The thing is, I don't know if any of the four options is even possible...
  1. Is there another job out there where I can manage to exceed expectations, make a very generous salary, still make it to Ladies Bible Study on Thursdays at lunch and pick up Charlie by 4:30 every afternoon?
  2. Does anything in the Lowcountry pay as well as telecom -- and if so, is that enough to make it worthwhile to tagteam daycare and still have Charlie there for 9+ hours per day?
  3. Is there something out there that pays enough to contribute, but is flexible enough to manage with Charlie home without him spending hours in front of the TV each day?
  4. Can Charlie and I spend 24x7 together without killing each other (as I've mentioned before, we have very similar personalities...fun, but at times a bit explosive)...and can we make ends meet on a single income (especially considering the heartbreaking reality of Zillow's estimate of our home's worth)? 
As of 1:51 PM on Tuesday, June 19, here are my tentative answers:
  1. Yes and God can and will lead me right to it (or it right to me) if it's God's will for our family.
  2. Probably not and no.
  3. See number 1.
  4. Yes...and it will take even more work and planning than 1 or 3, but with God's grace (and lots of prayer) the rewards could be infinitely greater if it's God's will for our family.
So...as of 1:58 PM on Tuesday, June 19, I am still conflicted...but maybe I should just pay attention to Charlie's Bible Verse for the week...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
And do not lean on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5)