

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We knew it would happen eventually...

...and today was the day.  Charlie was playing in the yard with some former neighbors back for a visit when Beaufort (Louie's best friend) took off with the jumper ball that we got Charlie for Easter.

I was lounging on the porch, enjoying the fact that Charlie had some kids to play with on a Saturday morning and didn't even consider getting up to give chase.

The next thing I knew, Blake and Charlie appeared from behind Bob & Donna's garage with Charlie soaking wet with long, green strings streaming down his sweatpants and only one fireman boot.

He fell in the pond. 

I have worried about this moment since the day I found out I was pregnant, and Charlie is expressly forbidden from going anywhere near the pond unless he is with Mommy, Daddy or Mr. Bob, and must always be able to see the back door when he's playing in the yard.

In recent months I have come to realize that the pond is only about 5" deep at the edges, but you know what they teach you about drowning in an inch of water in all those baby classes and books.

Amazingly, though, I didn't stand up shrieking, race to Charlie, scoop him up in my arms and completely embarrass him in front of Blake and Bowen.  Nor did I stand up shrieking, race to Charlie and yell at him for breaking the rules.

What did I do?

I slowly stood up, shook my head, called him up to the house, watched as he took off and poured water and seaweed out of his remaining fireman boot,  asked him what happened, reminded him he's not to go near the pond, stripped him down and brought him inside for a shower.  After which I even obliged by spiking his hair "like Blake's".

Yes, Charlie disobeyed, and yes, the pond could still be very dangerous, but it's actually kind of a relief that one of my worst fears has finally come to fruition and I realized a few things:
1 - I don't have to be 6 inches away if he's with a bigger kid who can help him when he gets in trouble.
2 - He will get into trouble and have to get out of it sometimes in his life.
3 - Sometimes an incident in itself is enough of a lesson, and punishment isn't required.
4 - Good friends stick around and are ready to play when you come back from your shower.