

Friday, August 28, 2009

Here we go...

I feel like this first post should be profound, but I'm not feeling it...  Throughout my life I've tried time and again to keep diaries, journals, etc, but never been able to follow through. This is my first try since Charlie, though, so  I'm optimistic that having an infinitely more interesting (and adorable) topic will keep me going -- that and the fact I have some grandmothers and aunts desperate for the latest Charlie news.

So, what's Charlie up to? At this exact moment he's napping (woohoo!).  He's actually improved his napping skills exponentially over the past 2 weeks.  Donna (his babysitter) and I are consistently getting a 2 to 3 hour and a 1 hour to hour and half nap out of him each day -- the order varies, but we don't care!

In addition to napping, Charlie is trying so very hard to learn to crawl.  Unfortunately, he struggles with coordinating the straight arms and straight legs so he either army crawls (like Otis) or does a very convincing impression of a bull dozer -- which is hilarious to watch, but I'm worried he'll end up with rug burns on his forehead.

Charlie will be 6 months old in 2 weeks and based on my hit or miss reading (I was much better about keeping up with things while pregnant than I am as a mom!) he seems on track.  We plan to start solids in the next couple weeks -- and when I say "solids", I mean the rice cereal and vegetables that babies are supposed to eat, not the ice cream, yogurt, potatoes and barbecue potato chips that he has been sampling over the past couple weeks.  Jason and I just can't help ourselves when he begs, but the recent increase in spitting up has convinced me that we need to show a bit more self control -- 2 outfits before noon is ridiculous!

Well, based on my wonderful video monitor (which I highly recommend to all moms out there -- I'm planning to use mine until Charlie goes to college), it appears that my little man will be waking up soon.  Off I go for cuddles and kisses -- a fabulous experience with Charlie if you don't mind losing handfuls of hair and aren't opposed to open-mouth, milk-breath kisses that sometimes turn into chomps on your nose or chin. I absolutely adore them!