

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life Lesson #13,022

You can only fool them for so long if you allow them access to the outside world...

Charlie: Guess what I saw from my window, Mommy!  People getting icecream from the music truck.  Can you believe that?  Icecream from the music truck?!?!

Mommy: Sigh...

The Best Picture Ever!

Or at least I'm sure it would have been had there been anyone around to snap it...

Last night was movie night, complete with Lion King 1 1/2 on the DVR, blankets, skittles and cheesy popcorn in the living room.  (And yes, I was holding a damp rag the entire time...baby steps...)

Anyway, while it may be cute, the semi-sequel is no Lion King, which combined with a cozy, jammied baby, warm blanket and glass of chardonnay had me dozing long before 8:00 -- and I wasn't the only one. 

As soon as the popcorn bowl was empty, all five of us were out cold on the couch until well after 10:00.  I just wish I could have a picture of Jason, Charlie and me cuddled up in a line with Otis and Louie draped across our laps -- and a cacophony of snores ringing out, I'm sure.

Friday nights really don't get any better than that...