

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Lesson #952

Charlie is pouring his drinking milk into his cereal...

Mommy: Charles Patrick, stop that right now.  You know you are not allowed to pour things!
Charlie: Whimper... Charlie strains to pout, but ends up looking more like a marionette doll
Mommy: Charlie, that will not work.  Pouting is not going to get you your way.  You are smarter than that.
Charlie: But... He manages to get his lower lip out into a real pout for a second.
Mommy: Copying the pouty face.  Buddy, honestly, would this face change your mind and make you give me anything I wanted?
Charlie: Straight-faced.  That's not going to work.  I'm done. 

Charlie pushes back from the table to go play and Mommy laughs.