And now, for the quarterly Charlie update. We're 18 months into this adventure and it is truly getting better every day. I know I've said this before, but 18 months is by far my favorite age. He is just so crazy much fun right now!
As of 9/09/10:
- Weight - 26 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile)
- Length - 32 inches (50th percentile)
- Head - 49 cm (90th percentile!!)
- Doctor's comment at 18 month appointment: Double Ear Infection! We had no idea. Charlie hasn't fussed or rubbed his ears at all, but now he's on his first round ever of amoxicillin...he loves the medicine, but the ear infection makes me nervous...
- Teeth - Still 4 bottom, 4 top, and still gnawing on things right and left, so likely more to come
- Hair - Very blonde after a summer in the sun, but showing signs of darkening up by the roots
- Birthmarks - Stork bites are no longer visible; second birthmark near the potato-shaped birthmark on left shin and freckles high above his right eye and on each cheek
- Naps - 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours after lunch every day at school and a little bit earlier on weekends
- Bedtime - 7:00 to 7:30
- Waketime - 6:45 to 7:00
- Favorite Foods - Almost anything! Bananas, meatballs, shrimp (as of last night), steak, pasta, yogurt...
- Favorite Song - Toes by the Zac Brown Band, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Daisy Sour Cream Jingle
- Favorite Dance - His own private dances that he breaks into during commercials...particuarly Daisy Sour Cream, J. Garris Interiors and Big Lots
- Favorite Toys - Silverware, cups, books and puzzles
- Favorite Game - Feeding the fish, peek-a-boo, pouring water out of his water table
- Interests - Trucks, dogs, books, water, outdoors, shoes
- Recent milestones -
- Knows that B says "bu"
- Talking constantly and even having some basic conversations
- Imminent milestones
- Best Friends - Bob and still Otis (begrudgingly) and Wa-Wally
- Hero - Da-da
- Personality - definitely holding to his original traits...just exaggerated with time
- Active - If I didn't know better I would think he'd forgotten how to walk...all he does is run
- Curious - He absolutely loves to learn so far. Whenever I see him at school, he is intently listening to the teacher read or show colors or whatever the circle time activity is for the day, and he loves to ask what things are, repeat it, see them and figure out how they work.
- Joyful - Charlie wakes up smiling, laughs and jokes around all day. The best moment of each day is when I get to daycare and peer through the picture window. As soon as he sees me, he kicks his little legs, swings his little arms and mom could ask for more.
- Loving - He is finally starting to cuddle some. He is very free with hugs and kisses now, and Jason's favorite part of the day is when Charlie comes in and wakes him up each morning with a hug and cuddles for a few minutes in bed. Plus, his newfound love of reading makes sure that we get lots of time with him in our laps.
- Independent - No doubt, he can do it himself, but he will still ask for help when he needs it or gets frustrated. It's so much fun.
- Tidy - He is amazingly good at picking up toys and is a bit over-concerned with washing his hands or having me clean them when he's eating...hopefully this doesn't become a problem.
- Fabulous! - What can I say? He's just more fun than I ever dreamed!
All duded up for the night out
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