

Friday, March 23, 2012

Not the mom I thought I was...

I always thought I was that Mom.  You know, the "fun" one.  Clearly not the "cool" one (everyone who reads this knows me far too well), but along the same lines -- the mom who is up for anything, who participates, laughs mud in the face, etc...

Well, tonight I learned differently. 

For months we've been talking about taking Charlie camping -- first in the backyard, then a nearby park, then the world!  And Charlie, who absolutely adores his tepee and camping gear, talks about it all the time, so this evening when he mentioned doing it "sometime soon" (what we always tell him), Jason said, "Why not t-o-n-i-g-h-t?" (What on earth will we do when the kid learns to spell?!?)

And I said, "Because..."  Then I had Jason check the weather and when there was a 30% chance of intermittent storms, I thought I was safe.  When he pointed out that there is always a 30% chance of intermittent storms in South Carolina, I decided,  "If you want it to be a Daddy-Son night, that's fine."

What?  Did those words come out of my mouth?  Why??  I love to camp.  I can sleep anywhere comfortably.  I scooped the yard just this afternoon.  I'm still not sure I understand it.

At first, Jason was concerned that I would feel left out, but while I might not understand my motivation, I am completely behind my decision.  I will be sleeping inside tonight.

So, I helped set up the tent, gathered the necessary camping gear (sleeping bags, lantern, Bella, Myrtle, jammies, water, scotch and the iPad), said goodnight and came inside.

Now, when it comes time for the first actual camping trip nothing will keep me away, but tonight while they "sleep" under the stars, I'll be enjoying a glass of wine, Say Yes to the Dress and Girl Scout Cookies on the couch...and as much as I feel like that should bother me, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Thankfully, Daddy was an Eagle Scout!

...or maybe not!

Grudging smile, because I promised to leave...
apparently I wasn't the only one that thought
a "Daddy-Son" campout was a good idea!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Like Mother Like Son?

It's no secret that I'm a bit of a "nerd".  My favorite game is Trivial Pursuit.  My favorite hobby is reading.  My favorite TV channel is the History channel. So, yes, I'm a nerd.

And to be honest, it's been kind of fun for me to see some of these same "bookish" traits start to develop in Charlie, but this past weekend was a pretty strong lesson along the lines of "be careful what you wish for..."

So, with Spring having sprung a bit early here in SC, Jason hit the harbor for sheepshead this Saturday and I took Charlie to his first official soccer game solo.  We were the first ones there (again, a bit of my nerdiness), and Charlie had a ball running around the field scoring goals by himself and then with his good friend Landon.

Everything was going well as the rest of the team arrived and the game started.  Yes, Charlie did seem to be following Addison around the field a bit more than the ball, but he was on the field and moving (most of the time). 

Then, since it's 4 on 4 soccer, Charlie was subbed out for a teammate and he enjoyed his break on the sidelines.  In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he refused to be subbed back in. 

I tried to be stern and convince him to go back in, but that resulted in him running across the middle of the field mid-game towards the playground equipment...with me trailing behind him.  Three times.

After the second time I put him in time out and threatened to cancel our promised trip to the library if he did it again.  He did it again, so I told him we were no longer going to the library, therein leading to quite possibly the most amusing and most embarrasing moment of my adult life.  Wallowing in the muddy sidelines, my son wailed, "Nooooooo!  I want to go the LIBARY!"  Over and over again...

Thankfully, my fellow parents were dealing with would-be players who were playing in the dirt, watching airplanes and picking flowers, so while amused, they could picture themselves in my shoes and I received plenty of compassion.

Nonetheless, I fully plan on bringing this up at opportune moments over the next 30 years...just for fun!

Having a Ball

On the Field!

Time Out

Miraculously, he did make it back to the field for one last play

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"I'm thwee!"

What is better than cake and icecream?  What is better than hotdogs, macaroni & cheese and che-tohs?  What is even better than a backyard full of friends and sidewalk chalk?


Jason and I couldn't be happier with Charlie's birthday party.  Despite a day full of emergencies, the firetrucks pulled up right on time and after an hour of climbing and driving and posing, Charlie and his buddies had to be pulled from the trucks in order to join us for dinner.  And the firemen even stayed for cake and icecream!  It really doesn't get any cooler than that when you're "thwee"!

Plus, our wonderfully generous friends and neighbors helped us raise over $400 for the Carolina Childrens' Charity...which just may push Old Fort Station #5 over the top and win them a home cooked meal during their fundraising drive next week.

There are no words to express how grateful we are for a healthy child, generous friends, safe neighborhood, free country and overwhelmingly loving God.  Life is good!

Worth every second!

Coming Through!

Buckled and Ready

Fun with Friends

I break for candy!

Nothing else to wish for

Loving his new "fire-shotter"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fifteen Minutes of Fun

So I walk into Charlie's daycare to pick him up and as I make my way down the hall three little girls from the three year old class (to which Charlie will be moving when there is a vacancy) come in from the playground.

Anna Brooks:  Charlie!
Unknown Little Girl:  You Charlie's Mom?
Clara:  Charlie's in there (pointing to the Older Twos Room)

Then I walk into his classroom and Charlie and Kara are holding hands and dancing while he sings "We Will, We Will Rock N Roll..." and he proceeds to fall to the floor and roll around...

Then as we walk out the front door he informsme that Lucy the Leprechaun is coming and "leaves stinky footprints" and let's out his biggest belly laugh...

Then after he chooses a 6 foot stick to bring home (his latest hobby/obsession) and is climbing into the car, I notice that he has blue highlights in his hair, and I ask, "How did your hair turn blue?!"

He responds, "Micah.  And it's purple.  You should get me a purple shirt!" Then he promptly dissolves into giggles...

Finally, as we round the bend towards our house and I straighten my glasses to keep the bright sun out of my eyes, gigantic raindrops start to pelt the car, pouring down from the blue sky.

Who knew that fifteen minutes could be so wonderful?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Getting Better Every Day

Just a glimpse as to why...

Mommy:  How old are you?
Charlie: Three!!!
Mommy: Wow, three?!  Do you feel bigger?
Charlie: Yes!  See if you can still lift me!!!

Later...while with a special Mickey Mouse pancake on his plate (made by Daddy)...
Charlie: Will you cut Mickey for me please?
Mommy: Of course (reaches for his plate and starts to cut)
Charlie:  No, no!  Don't cut him...he'll be so sad...

And it's only 9:00 AM.  No wonder the past three years have been so awesome!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leappads and Tigers and Boats, Oh My!

As everyone knows, Charlie is an all-around happy kid, but bring his grandparents to town and he reaches another level.  He just adores visits from BaBa & PaPa and Grandma & Grandpa, and this past weekend he had BaBa and PaPa at his beck and call for three days.  I'm starting to realize that it really doesn't get much better than that when you're (almost) 3!

After a quiet(ish) dinner at home Thursday night we kicked off our adventures with Charlie's first ever trip to the circus.  Once he kind of figured out what we were talking about, he was extremely excited, then he got an icee, then the elephants walked in and he was in absolute heaven. 

While he may not have sat still, he more-or-less sat for two hours -- if I hadn't been there to see it, I wouldn't have believed it!  The tigers were Charlie's favorite act, most likely because his favorite part of the whole thing was his icee in a tiger cup (which we managed to lose in Georgetown that afternoon), but the flying, flaming man was definitely the highlight for the adults.

Following the Circus, Charlie napped en route to Georgetown, where we toured an off-shore fishing boat, enjoyed an early dinner on the pier, and picked up a helmsman so Charlie can safely sail his bunkbeds through the seven seas.

I am fairly sure we have never seen as much rain as came down Saturday, so soccer was cancelled, but we spent a fun afternoon shopping and riding rides at the outlet mall, then enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Cypress downtown -- definitely not a kid-friendly restaurant, but we had an amazing waiter, and I dare you to find one kid out there who wouldn't just adore the deep-fried mac n cheese and lemon cheesecake icecream!

Finally on Sunday we relaxed a bit in the morning then toured around IOP looking for a beach house for this summer's family vacation.  Due to a crazy-busy summer, we couldn't be more excited and grateful that BaBa, PaPa, aunts, uncles and cousins will all be back in the Lowcountry in July!

Sadly, BaBa and PaPa had to go back to KC Sunday evening, but Charlie is already making plans for when he sees them in May!

The Best Part of the Greatest Show on Earth


Armed and Dangerous!


All aboard!

Rootbeer Floats all around

No rain is going to dampen our fun!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

After Mama's Own Heart

Jason walks into the living room while Charlie and Mommy are sitting on the couch watching the news...

Charlie: Guess what, Daddy?!
Daddy: What, Buddy?
Charlie: We made it to my Birthday Month!
Daddy: We what?
Charlie: We made it to my Birthday Month!!
Daddy looks at Mommy and rolls his eyes:  Yes, Charlie, apparently you and Mommy get Birthday Months.

Mommy grins.