

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


What do you get when combine a 7 hour drive each way, possible severe storms, and a stubborn, potty-training, almost 3 year old?  Would you believe an absolutely FABULOUS mini-vacation????

I will be the first to admit that there are times that my son drives me absolutely insane, and that despite the fact that part of me thinks he's perfect (at least perfect for me!) he can be an absolute terror.  Aware of this, I was somewhat petrified when I started to fully understand what I was getting myself into when I chose to take a Mother-Son trip to Norfolk, VA to visit Lakely, Lea & Tony while Jason was at Daytona.

Just as stubborn as Charlie though, (and really excited to see our good friends), I loaded up the Yukon with enough snacks for an Arctic expedition, a wide variety of books and toys, Daddy's iPad and the Fireman Umbrella -- plus I dangled a special pancake lunch at Cracker Barrel in front of Charlie -- and we were in business.

Yes, my car is full of crumbs.  Yes, Charlie went through the entire toy bag before we hit the NC line.  No, the movies on the iPad didn't entertain him for more than 20 minutes at a stretch.  Yes, we got stuck in tunnel and drawbridge traffic on the way there and heavy rains on the way home.  No, Charlie wouldn't use the gas station or South of the Border restrooms..

Nevertheless, Charlie and I had some of the most hilarious and interesting conversations we'd ever had while we were on the road, he napped each afternoon while we were there, he slept in bed with me two of the nights, and we made it home alive! 

So you might be thinking that the best part of the trip was our Mother-Son bonding, right?  Nope!  The best part was Charlie & Lakely's blossoming friendship.  It's hard to describe -- they are just 2 after all, but they had an absolute ball together.  They laughed and chased and ran and roller-skated and snacked and hugged and played hide-and-seek together for two plus days.

Both Lea and I are convinced that not only will they be friends forever, but they will be that oh-so-critical opposite sex friend for each other (and yes, both Tony and Jason rolled their eyes at this). You know, though, the one that can tell her when the boy she likes is a jerk and offer to beat him up or tell him that even though his girlfriend is cute, she's superficial and not good enough for him or let her know that even though she and her "true love" broke up, there are way better guys out there (just not any of his friends) or gently buy effectively convince him that girls do not think bodily noises are cool...

And the icing on the cake? While Charlie and Lakely were building their life-long friendship, Lea and I were catching up on old times, talking about all her plans for baby Cashton, and relaxing to HGTV...in many ways it was the perfect vacation (if only Daddy had been in on the fun).

We can't wait to see them again...but until then we have some amazingly precious memories...

Driving away from Lakely's house...
Mommy: So Buddy, what was your favorite part of our trip?  What are you going to tell Daddy about?
Charlie:  Just a minute.  I have a hangnail... ... ...  Ok.  I got it.
Mommy: Ok then...so what was your favorite part of our trip?
Charlie: Lakely.

Back inside, following a super-sweet hug and kiss on the cheek...
Lakely (hand to her cheek): More.
Lea: More what?
Lakely: More kisses.

Not sure if he's more excited about the trip or his McMuffin at this point...

Saturday Morning Cartoons

What could be sweeter than turning around to this?

Bumper Carts!


Roller Babies

Yes...we actually stopped here...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Best Saturday Ever

Eight years ago today was a Saturday, and I spent the day surrounded by my family and closest friends, being pampered, enjoying a celebratory lunch, donning the most beautiful dress I'll ever own (that I hope I get to wear in heaven...if we have clothes) and posing for hundreds of pictures, all while filled with an incredible joy and anticipation. 

Then right about 6:20 in the evening I found myself alone for the first time all day, and right there in the Mulligan Room, I started to cry.  I was completely overwhelmed by the love and excitement knowing that the church was filling up with hundreds of people who had come just to see Jason and I pledge to spend the rest of our lives together.

Thankfully, Dad walked in after just a few minutes, and the mood quickly shifted to childish glee as we tried to spy through the window at the last-minute arrivals without being seen ourselves.  Then the music crescendoed and the mean church lady came and escorted us into the lobby for the most glorious walk of my entire life...

Following the ceremony, my new husband and I spent the next 5 hours dancing and laughing and dining and hugging and drinking champagne.  I had never felt more beautiful, more joyful or more absolutely certain about my life.  I just knew that no Saturday would ever live up to this one, and I spent the next few years trying to convince Jason that we should do it all over again.

Fast forward to this past Saturday evening...after a day spent at the soccer field, re-mulching the yard and visiting the library, we settled in to make panini sandwiches and play Hide the Sock Monkey and Uno Moo for game night.

At 7:30 Jason took Charlie up for his bath, and finding myself alone for the first time all day,  I finished the dishes, gathered up the dog toys and poured a glass of "affordable" wine.  Then I joined the boys upstairs for the stories, prayers and songs of Charlie's bedtime routine.  Once Charlie was tucked away, Jason took a shower and I nestled into the couch, only to cuddle up and fall asleep within about 10 minutes of him joining me and turning on the NASCAR race.

Then, rather than jetting off to Hawaii Sunday morning, we frantically shushed and distracted Charlie during church, Jason did his best to corral him while I attended a meeting for Mission Charleston 2102,  then we hustled him home for a quick nap before the Congregational Meeting that evening.

Clearly I didn't spend 20+ years of dreaming, 7 months planning and thousands of dollars on this past Saturday night, which makes it all the more amazing and beautiful to realize that I loved it so much more than that perfect night 8 years ago and nothing could convince me to trade one for the other...not even the chance to wear my fabulous dress again...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bend it Like Batliner

I never thought that standing in a muddy field at 9:00 AM on a Saturday morning could be so much fun...  Of course, when you add the gaggle of 2 & 3 year olds, gigantic socks, way too many soccer balls and Chee-tohs, how could it be anything but?!?!

Unsurprisingly, despite the fact that Charlie got to spend the morning running around in circles, despite the fact that two of his good buddies, Philip and Landon, are on his team, despite the fact that he got a Capri Sun and Chee-tohs at 9:45 in the morning...can you guess what his first question was when we got in the car?

"Daddy, what was the little blond girl's name?"  That's our boy...

Checking out his Warm-Ups

Excited to see friend and teammate, Philip!

Pregrame Prayer

So...is this really what we're here to do?

Anybody know what we do with the red ball?

This is more like it!

Whew!  What a Practice!

Proud Mama

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So sweet...

At school Tuesday afternoon...

Miss Chelsea: Charlie, will you be my Valentine?
Charlie: No.
Miss Chelsea: Why not?
Charlie: I'm my Mommy's Valentine.

It really doesn't get any better, does it?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentines

I absolutely adore "Consumer" holidays.  I know, I know...Valentine's Day is just a scam to get us to spend ridiculous amounts of money on cards we'll throw away, candy we don't need and cheap pink stuffed animals, but I love it anyway!

In fact, we started celebrating over the weekend, decorating and delivering Valentine's to a few of our fabulous neighbors.  Then we kicked off this morning with way too much candy, leading up to a cupcake-filled day of parties at school, and unless all of this excitement and sugar turns our little monster into one of the Wild Things, we're going to finish up with a family date at Tomatoes.

Jason definitely made some of our pre-Charlie Valentine's Days memorable (I mean, what could be better than a Brita water pitcher and the opening night of Hannibal??? (love you!)), but I have to say having two Valentine's to shower with kisses and hugs and candy is way more fun than one!

Getting in the spirit

"Decorating" our Valentine Cookies

Our favorite Valentine

Off to make deliveries

First Delivery -- Success! 

Making the rounds...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Kiss You So Much Day!

I did not grow up in a very huggy family.  We love each other, but were not the kind of family to give hugs anytime anyone left the room, left for school, etc, so I've always been pretty big on personal space.  In fact, back in my office cube days, someone could ruin a relationship right off the bat by standing too close in my cube.

Anyway, fast forward to early motherhood when I had an infant attached (quite literally) to me for hours each day and if anything, I think I got worse.  Just ask Jason.  By the time he came home from work in the early days he was lucky to get a high-five, I was feeling so claustrophobic and over-touched some days.

Slowly things began to change, though.  First Charlie weaned himself, then he started to walk, then he started to run, then climb in and out of the car, then do pretty much everything on his own, and I realized something.

It may have been trial by fire, but I have absolutely, positively, without a doubt become a huggy person -- and most days my baby is too busy to be hugged.  Every once in a while, though, if he's feeling sleepy or sad or just extra cuddly, he'll say to me, "Mommy, you can hug me so much."  And boy do I!

In fact, I've recently started requesting to "hug you so much," and while sometimes Charlie agrees, sometimes he tells me that "No.  Today is not 'hug you so much day', tomorrow is"...or Tuesday or Saturday or just about any other day that comes to mind...so it has of course become our favorite game.

Based on Tuesday's requests, yesterday became "Hug You So Much Day," then caught up in the fun, Charlie also declared it "Tickle You So Much Day" and today "Kiss You So Much Day" and next Tuesday "Cuddle You So Much Day".

And while I have always loved holidays, I have to say these are my absolute favorite, so Happy Kiss You So Much Day to one and all!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Bible Study

So Charlie is crazy as ever, but time is tight this week (a bit of meeting overload), so here is the Bible Study we did Monday night.  Right now we're focusing on the characteristics/qualities of God, according to the Bible (interesting place to look to get to know Him, huh?) and why it matters to know who He really is, rather than who the world wants Him to be...

One True God
Psalm 135:1-21

  • Who:
    • Psalmist (possibly David)
    • To Israel (135:1b, 135:19-20a)
    • To all believers (135:2, 135:20b)
    • About God
  • What
    • Command to Praise Him (135:1,3)
    • Command to Bless Him (135:19-21)
  • When
    • No boundaries
    • Implication of repeatedly, continuously by repetition of commands
  • Where - No boundaries
  • Why
    • He is good (135:3a)
    • His name is lovely (135:3b)
    • He chose Israel (135:4)
    • He is great (135:5a)
    • He is above all other gods (135:5b)
    • He is all powerful (135:6-7)
    • He is the protector/defender of His people (135:9-11)
    • He is the provider for His people (135:12)
    • He is eternal (no beginning or end) (135:13)
    • He is just and therefore judges (135:14a)
    • He has compassion on His people (135:14b)
    • He was not created (135:15)
    • He is not mute (135:16a)
    • He is not blind (135:16b)
    • He is not deaf (135:17a)
    • He is not lifeless (135:17b)
    • He does not bring death (135:18)
  • How
    • Song (135:3b)
    • Knowing Him (135:4-18)
    • Proclaiming Him to others (135:1-21)
Psalm 135:15-18
  • Who
    • Psalmist (possibly David)
    • To Israel (135:1b, 135:19-20a)
    • To all belieers (135:2, 135:20b)
    • About false gods, idols
  • What: warning that "those who make (trust) them will be like them" (135:18
  • When: No boundaries
  • Where: No boundaries
  • Why:
    • Idols are less than God (135:5)
    • Idols are made by man (135:15)
    • Idols are senseless (135:16-17a)
    • Idols are lifeless (135:17b)
  • How: God forbids them (Exodus 20:3-5)
What is an idol?
  • Anything that we instill with power
    • "Mother Nature"
    • Astrology
    • Luck/Superstition/Fate/Destiny
  • Anything that we put before or equal to God
    • Prophets, teachers
    • Family, friends
    • Dreams, goals, plans
    • Money, success, acheievement