

Friday, May 28, 2010

Less than 6 hours to go...

and then vacation!  Jason and I are both crazy excited -- and we're just staying here.

Originally we had considered going somewhere for the weekend, and I think Jason actually started doing some research, but practicality (and simplicity!) won out over adventure.  We decided to take our summer vacation right here in Charleston.

The agenda:
  • Friday - Date night:  Mom and Dad go downtown and Charlie goes to Lakely's
  • Saturday - Boat, Boat, Boat: Putting in at Leeds Ave around 10 AM with Garrett and Amanda; lunch at Red's; afternoon of beaching and swimming, then docking at Dolphin Point and coming home for shish kabobs on the grill
  • Sunday - Church & Boat: Blueberry pancakes for breakfast (Charlie's favorite!), church, then boating through the afternoon
  • Monday - Tacos & Waterfalls: Morning at home, lunch at Taco Boy Downtown, afternoon at James Island County Park Waterpark
The rules:
  • No cleaning
  • No laundry
  • No yardwork
  • No Lowe's
It's going to be fabulous!  Typically I try to dread things that I'm looking forward to, to ensure that I won't be disappointed, but not this time.  Three whole days of just me, Jason, Charlie, Otis and friends!!!

It would have been fun to go stay on the beach or in the mountains or even better, to head back to Kansas City for the luau, but finances and vacation days made those options unrealistic.  Plus, the house is clean, the yard is mowed, the last load of laundry is in the dryer (and it's just towels), and the dishwasher is ready to be emptied.  All I have left is one conference call and a few quick errands before I pick up Charlie early and we stroll on down to the pool to get a headstart on our vacation!

Last weekend we actually had a little preview of the fun to come, when we took Charlie out on his first boat rides of 2010...as you can see he is definitely Daddy's boy!

My own seat

Learning the ropes

Crashed after lunch

Captain O

Daddy & Mommy crusing while the boys nap

Slowly coming around

Snack Time

Day 2 with Miss Donna & Bob

Ready to take over

Staying hydrated

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer's Comin'

Despite the fact that May is barely halfway over, summer is in full swing down here in SC -- and we're loving it!  Charlie adores the pool.  He graduated from his Winnie the Pooh boat to swimmies this year and is definitely getting the hang of it.  My heart still skips a beat when he runs down the zero entry ramp...but he is definitely a little fish.  He loves to "jump" off the side of the pool and bob around by the rope, but the best is when he makes his own motor boat noises!

Even better than the pool is the beach!  Some of our friends from church rented a beach house at Folly this week to celebrate life -- 5 years ago Doris was diagnosed with breast cancer, but she survived and has a wonderful family and 2 new grandkids to show for it! 

We joined a bunch of church folks at the beach Sunday evening and Charlie had the time of his life playing in the sand.  I think he could have stayed for hours.  The only glitch is that he treats the beach like the zero-entry at the pool -- running into the waves at full speed.  This could get dangerous.  We're hoping to head back down this afternoon to spend another evening with the Hundleys, and this time I'm going to be prepared in a swimsuit, rather than white capris!

I didn't know summer could be so much fun.  We've already been through 2 pair of sunglasses, and we have boat rides and beach trips and pool visits and water parks to look forward to for the next 4 months or so!  And the most shocking part is, Charlie's infectious giggle even lets me forget that I'm wearing a swimsuit in public...I haven't been this un-self-conscious in lycra since I was 5!

Pool Time!

Comparing "fast" glasses with Garrett...
sadly, ours didn't survive the week

Monday, May 10, 2010


I absolutely love Mother's Day!  It is so much fun to spend an day focusing on the fact that we have been blessed with the silliest, sweetest, most precious little boy ever -- and to spend that entire day with him and Jason makes it even better!

Charlie and Jason surprised me with a stepping stone of Charlie's footprints (it was supposed to be handprints, but apparently Charlie kept grabbing handsful of the cement, so Jason switched to feet) and a beautiful aquamarine ring (Charlie's birthstone).  We spent the whole day together starting with church, followed by lunch at Bambu, and on to an afternoon of swinging, climbing, and walking the pier at Mt. Pleasant's Waterfront Park.  Finally, Charlie passed out in the truck while Jason and I drove around dreaming about the houses on the water in old Mt. P.  It was fabulous!

I am sure that all mothers feel honored and blessed to be entrusted with the lives of their  precious little ones, and for those of us blessed with the chance to carry those little people through pregnancy, it is overwhelmingly amazing.  Not to discount the experience for all mothers out there, but I believe that those of us that struggled and even gave up on having children may cherish the experience even a little bit more.  Every single day when I look at Charlie I realize that he is a miracle that I don't deserve and that each smile, laugh and hug is a blessing that I thought I would never have.

Yesterday our Pastor did a special Mother's Day sermon on Hannah, the mother of Samuel.  It surprised me that after growing up in a Bible church and spending 3 1/2 years trying and failing to conceive a baby, that I had never spent more time on Hannah's story.  I suppose that prior to finding out we were having a baby I couldn't relate, because Hannah received her miracle and I had come to accept that I would not. 

Looking back now, though, I feel extraordinarily honored to have experienced an incident so similar to Biblical history.  Both Hannah and I were truly in love with our husbands, but unable to bear children for years, and we both suffered: she from general and specific persecution, and I from the real and imagined pity of those around me.  Though both of our husbands loved us dearly, neither of them could understand the full depths of our feelings of uselessness and lack of self worth that we were failing in our womanly duty.  Now, my fabulous husband did not feel the need to take a second wife, nor did my society find me worthless, as hers did. -- so obviously I didn't have near the struggle as Hannah.

Each of us managed to maintain our faith in God and his sovereignty, despite our doubts about his plan, and each of our hopes and prayers came to a final culmination.  Hannah, at her wits end, prayed to God for a son and promised to dedicate him to God should her prayers be answered.  I, ready to give up on parenthood entirely, prayed that God would bless us with a child in advance of my July 30 "fertility" appointment, so that Jason and I wouldn't have to go down that path. 

What my pastor pointed out yesterday that struck me is that we both prayed specifically (almost in ultimatum style), and we both prayed with full faith that God could and would answer our prayers -- which after years and years of praying for a child is somewhat startling.

And amazingly, both Hannah's and my prayers were answered.  She had Samuel, and on July 26, 2008, I found out that I was pregnant with the future Charles Patrick.

Now, I am in no way proclaiming to have faith as strong as Hannah's.  Hannah offered up the one thing that she wanted most in the world, her son, and followed through by sending him away at age 3 to be raised and devoted to God.  All I offered to God was my insistance on believing that I was in control of my life, and while I definitely learned that lesson, I cannot claim that I don't frequently try to assert my will or convince God that my way is the way things should be done.  Plus, as grateful as I am for the blessing of my son and as much as I hope that he will grow up devoted to God, I am not strong enough to send him away at age 3 -- thankfully that is no longer something people do!

Jason kept laughing at me yesterday morning, because I couldn't stop crying during Darien's sermon.  Obviously, my tears were not of sorrow, but they weren't of joy really, either.  I have never felt more humbled, more blessed or more thankful than I did when I realized that I experienced a trial, a blessing and a miracle parallel to a Biblical truth. 

Motherhood is one of my primary purposes in life, and even though I went through a period of doubt and fear, God blessed me with the faith that he could and would fulfill my lifelong dream and purposes.  God blessed me with Charlie. 

"For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him.  So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord."
I Samuel 1:27-28

Just shared some Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Boogying down on the Shagging Floor on the Pier

Scoping out Fishing Spots with Dad

Friday, May 7, 2010

Time Flies...

Where do I begin?  And more to the point, how on earth do I sum up 10 days in Kansas City in one entry?  Obviously I have been struggling with this dilemma, as it has taken me 5 days to even sit down and start it. 

Of course, that could also have something to do with getting in at 11:00 Sunday night, being a week behind at work, forgetting to prepare our dish for Bible study until an hour before it started, having to use my Kohl's cash before it expired on Wednesday ($40!!),  taking a quick trip to Fayetteville, NC, and inviting the neighbors over to dinner in my ridiculously dusty house!  (No worries, though -- you can't see the dust after dark and other than the salad, the entire menu is grilled!).

So, now that it's all more of a distant memory, I'm going to try to record Charlie's third trip to Kansas City.  I know I'm going to leave out some things, but I will try to hit the highlights.

Chapter 1: Abject Terror

I sometimes wonder if deep down inside, I actually hate myself.  Being a glutton for punishment, about a month before the trip I suggested that Jason fly with Charlie and I to Atlanta, but then break off to meet his Dad, Grandpa, Travis and various others in Talladega for the race -- while Charlie and I fly on to Kansas City BY OURSELVES!  Seriously -- who suggests stuff like this???

In the interest of self-preservation, I pretty much forgot about the suggestion until the morning of the flights.  I was nervous, but I didn't fully grasp the enormity of the task ahead of me.  I packed enough snacks for a kindergarten class, and we set off for the airport. 

I planned ahead and ate my dinner on the first flight, while Jason entertained and fed Charlie.  All was well.  After an uneventful 50 minute flight, we landed safely in Atlanta -- and reality set in. 

I was still in denial, but when I looked at Jason and saw concern, guilt and fear, I started to second-guess my genius idea.  Charlie and I were about to board a 2 1/2 hour, late evening flight, during which some unsuspecting stranger was going to have to sit by us.  I tried very hard to hide my fear, so as not to make Jason feel worse -- but I was pretty terrified.  Jason notified the airline that he wouldn't be using his seat, and I noticed that there was a standby waiting list.  This could not be good.

Charlie and I boarded fairly early, because we were all the way back in row 28.  We found our seat and settled in, and he was doing great playing in the seat next to us while the plane slowly filled up.  I was texting Jason to tell him just how great Charlie was doing when I recognized an all-too-familiar facial expression -- Charlie was filling his pants!  I shot Jason a text to ensure that he felt properly sorry for me -- only to discover when we'd landed in KC that I'd actually texted "I think he just filled his pants" to my boss!

Anyway, rather than wait until we were airborn, I hunted out a diaper and wipes, scooped Charlie up and headed back to the bathroom -- and he started screaming.  He screamed all the way back to the bathroom, he screamed the entire time I changed him (on the toilet seat!!!), he screamed the entire way back to the seats.  Just imagine the looks on the faces of everyone finding their seats -- had it not been my child, it would have been funny.  At least I wasn't the only one dreading the next 2 1/2 hours. 

I was especially afraid of facing our seatmate, whom I was sure would have appeared by then.... but, no!  The seat next to Jason was still empty and as soon as I set Charlie down, he stopped screaming and went happily back to playing!  I was stunned and relieved.

The flight attendant was making the standard "the plane is full, move your bags, etc, etc" announcement, but it was immediately followed by an announcement that they were closing the door!  They didn't put any of the standby people in Jason's seat.  It was a miracle! 

Now, I realize that that might seem to be an exageration -- but if you think about it, the empty seat made Charlie happy the entire way to Kansas City.  Charlie being happy (and quiet) filled me with overwhelming joy, relief and gratefulness, which is a fabulous way to start a vacation.  Jason not receiving a frantic, crying, guilty phone call from the mother of the screaming baby on the plane made his race weekend infinitely more enjoyable  Charlie being quiet allowed everyone else on the plane to relax and not hate us.  A plane full of serene people arriving in Kansas City impacted everyone they were there to see.  Truly, I believe that God answering Jason's and my prayers and giving Charlie his own seat on the plane was a miracle -- the impact was huge!

Now, the flight home was vastly different from this (exhaustion, crying, whining, misery, lost cell phone, etc), but since Jason and I were in it together, it wasn't so bad.

His own seat!

Chapter 2:  Girly Boy

Charlie would be any big sister's dream!  Throughout our week in KC, he thoroughly enjoyed getting in touch with his feminine side...

It all started Sunday at my friend Jennifer's house.  Charlie was absolutely enthralled with her daughter Lilly's pink heart belt -- so we let him wear it.  Thankfully I had goldfish crackers to distract him when we left, or giving it back would have been a struggle.

In addition to the lovely belt, Charlie is a fan of the "man-bag".  He managed to track down purses in a variety of shapes and sizes and trot them around Baba and PaPa's house all week.  When Daddy witnessed the fun on Tuesday, he renamed the purses "satchels" and assured Charlie that Indiana Jones carried a satchel.

Following a particularly active nap, Charlie woke up with fabulous mad-scientist hair.  It was so cute that I didn't bother to brush it.  A few minutes later we were downstairs having a snack when I noticed some fabulous High School Musical barrettes on the counter.  I regret that I didn't get a picture of this, but I can assure you that Charlie rocks the Troy barrette like nobody's business.

Finally, Charlie is quite the diva when it comes to his make-up.  We did face painting at Paradise Park on Monday and he was quite particular about dabbing the little make-up sticks and seemed very pleased with his finished result.

Green brings out my eyes

Chapter 3:  New Do

With as long as it took Charlie to actually get hair, I didn't think we'd be getting it cut so soon...but our adorable son has a very interesting hair growth pattern.  His hair is still nice and short in front and is finally thickening up on top, but the poor thing has had a mullet to make any camaro-owner proud for the past few weeks -- it's even curly! 

Jason and I have been going back and forth as to whether or not to cut it, because we don't want to rush things -- but he's starting to look a bit unkempt.  So, in light of the fact that Uncle Travis & Aunt Natalie's fabulous wedding pictures will be framed and hung for us all to enjoy for the next 70 years -- we decided it was time.

Jason and I took Charlie to Uncle Travis' stylist for his first haircut.  Charlie was enamored the second that he saw Lisa, but he fell head over heels when she raised and lowered the chair.  He was a champ through the whole haircut, never shedding a tear, and when he got bored we just gave him Jason's watch to play with.  It really couldn't have gone better and now he looks like a little man!

The Mullet

What do you think?

Chapter 4: The Banker

Before Charlie was even born I realized that if he were going to be a boy, dressing him up wasn't going to be quite as exciting as if he were a girl.  They definitely make cute little boy clothes, but girl clothes are just so much more...well, more!  They hav bows and tights and black patent shoes and matching purses and all sorts of fun stuff.

To be clear, I have never once wished Charlie was a girl, but mesh shorts and onesies just don't offer the same thrill.  But, when it's time to really get dressed up, a little boy is a blast! 

Since the moment Travis & Natalie got engaged last summer, I've been looking forwarded to dressing Charlie up in a little suit.  We even bought it back around Christmas, and with as much as he's been growing lately, I was somewhat concerned that it wouldn't fit -- but apparently not concerned enough to try it on more than 15 minutes before we were supposed to meet everyone at the church.

The wedding party took pictures all day Saturday, but Charlie and I weren't due at the church until 4:45.  In an effort to prepare him for a great evening, I tossed him in the car around 2:30 and we drove the 435 loop around KC to get a good nap.  He woke up right about 4:25, so we pulled into the Price Chopper on Roe to get changed.  Words truly cannot express how fabulous he looked!  I had replaced the original tie with one that coordinated better with my dress (kind of like prom), and my little boy became a little man. 

Charlie's haircut was an excellent addition to his ensemble, but the finishing touch had to be his shades.  When we arrived at the church, I let him walk around the building, himself, and asked him if he wanted to wear his sunglasses (it's usually hit or miss).  Well, this time he did, and I kid you not, my 14 month old son strutted around the side of the church, walked right up to the photographers and proceeded to ham it up for the next hour and a half.  If I weren't so in love with him, I probably would have been embarassed!

We survived the wedding, but spent most of it in the vestibule our outside -- as soon as Charlie figured out how loudly his toys, my sunglasses and the goldfish crackers would bang on the wooden floors of the church, we were out of there.  We did witness a car accident, though, and had a blast playing with cousins Demetrius and Kalani in the back!

Charlie took it a step further at the reception, when he grabbed his sock monkey lunchbox and proceeded to run around the upstairs tables, looking just like a little banker.  I wonder if it's going to be all Jason and I can do to keep the little monster out of show business.

Let the party begin

Hey, baby

Little Man


Duded up with Dad

Chapter 5: Water Baby

Despite sleeping through the reception only to wake up at midnight in pure delight that he was still at the party, Charlie was in pretty good form on Sunday.  He took a great nap in the morning and was more than ready to join the recovery Bar-B-Q when he woke up.

After playing the cymbals with Grandma Jane and enjoying a couple leftover wedding cookies, Charlie and Jason went outside to enjoy the nice day.  Charlie crawled directly for the pool, reached his hand in to feel the water then turned around and started to lower himself into the water -- fully dressed!  Since we still had two hours before we needed to head for the airport, Jason and I decided to track down a swim diaper and let him have at it. 

With Daddy standing guard at the edge of the steps and cousins Elizabeth and Tyler swimming all around, Charlie had a fabulous time splashing and playing and laughing.  He absolutely loved the fountain and it didn't even phase him when he went completely underwater.  It looks like we're going to have another fish in the family.


After Swim with BaBa and PaPa

Epilogue: So much more!

As long as this is, I had to leave out so much: wonderful lunches with Rebekah, Jennifer, Laura, Wendy & Jessica; playtime with cousins Alexis, Tyler & Elizabeth.  Plus, Charlie had a blast in the ball pit and the baby room at Paradise Park, and he loved going for long walks around the lake.  We had a fabulous time at Deanna Rose milking a cow, petting the goats and so much more.  And we got to see Lilly, and Tom and Abby and Megan and Great Aunt Jan, Great Uncle Sam, Great Uncle Jim, Cousin Melanie and Jill, the Daniels, the Allens, and so many more people.  It was just a fabulous trip from start to finish!

Climbing with Cousin Elizabeth

I need one of these at home!


Is this really where milk comes from?

Yeah!  Tom's Daddy's Home!

So many cousins!